
 1. 這些條款

1.1. 這些使用條款約束您對我們服務的使用和訪問,包括我們的網站、我們的應用程序、我們的應用程序編程接口 (API)、我們的通知以及其中出現的任何信息或內容(統稱為我們的“平台”) .


1.3. 您還應該閱讀我們的隱私政策,其中規定了我們如何收集和使用您的個人信息。

2. 關於我們以及如何联系我們

2.1. 我們是UpWatch Technologies Limited,一家在香港註冊的公司,交易名稱為UpWatch。我們的公司註冊編號為74288852-000-08-22-0,我們的註冊辦事處位於香港火炭黃竹洋街5-7號富昌中心12樓C室。

2.2 對於與我們的平台、我們的產品或服務或這些條款有關的任何疑問或問題,您可以致電我們的客戶服務團隊 +852 5692 4186 或發送電子郵件至 info@upwatch.com.hk 或寫信至香港火炭黃竹洋街5-7號富昌中心12樓C室

2.3 我們是我們平台的數據控制者,對您的個人數據負責。請參閱我們的隱私政策,該政策可在 https://upwatch.com.hk/privacy-policy/ 獲取,了解我們收集哪些個人數據以及我們如何處理這些數據。請務必閱讀我們的隱私政策,該政策可能會不時更新,並了解我們如何使用您的信息以及您對您的信息擁有的權利。

2.4 如果我們必須與您聯繫,我們將通過電話或通過您提供給我們的電子郵件地址或郵寄地址寫信給您。

2.5 當我們在這些術語中使用“書面”或“書面”等詞時,這包括電子郵件。

3. 條款變更


4. 我們服務的可用性

4.1 我們不斷改變和改進我們的平台以及我們提供的產品或服務。我們可能會不時更改或停止我們提供的任何產品或服務,或者添加或刪除功能或特性,並且我們可能會完全暫停或停止某些產品、服務、功能或特性。如果我們終止某些產品、服務、功能或特性,我們將在合理可能的情況下提前通知您。

4.2 我們可能會發布我們仍在測試和評估的產品、服務、功能或特性。我們會將此類服務標記為“測試版”、“預覽版”、“搶先體驗”或“試用版”或具有類似含義的任何詞或短語。您了解這些測試版服務不如我們提供的其他產品或服務可靠。

4.3 我們保留限制您使用我們的平台和我們提供的服務的權利,包括在我們認為您違反這些條款或濫用我們的平台或我們提供的任何服務時限制、暫停或終止您的帳戶的權利。

4.5 我們盡最大努力確保我們的平台始終可用,但我們不保證我們平台的運行或訪問不會中斷或持續。我們的平台可能會因維護、維修、升級、網絡或設備故障而中斷。

4.5 您負責配置您的信息技術、計算機程序和平台或系統以訪問我們的平台。我們不保證我們的平台沒有錯誤或病毒。

5. 您的帳戶和密碼

5.1 在我們的平台上註冊賬戶時,您必須提供真實、準確和最新的關於您自己的信息。您應該選擇一個強而安全的密碼。您必須確保您的密碼安全和保密。

5.2 您同意不共享您的帳戶憑據或讓其他人訪問您的帳戶。如果當我們檢測到一個帳戶被多個用戶共享時,我們可能會將此視為安全漏洞並暫停或終止您的帳戶。

5.3 如果我們合理認為您違反了這些條款,我們有權隨時禁用任何密碼,無論是您選擇的還是我們分配的。

5.4 您同意遵守我們的可接受使用政策,該政策列於這些條款的末尾。

5.5 除非您報告濫用行為,否則您應對通過您的帳戶發生的、通過您的帳戶或在您的帳戶下發生的所有行為或活動負責。

6. 平台的使用

6.1 在使用或訪問平台時,您必須遵守可接受的使用政策和所有適用的法律和法規要求,包括隱私法和知識產權法。

6.2 在您支付適用費用後,我們授予您個人的、全球性的、免版稅的、不可轉讓的、不可轉讓的、不可再許可的、非獨占的和可撤銷的許可,以訪問和使用我們的平台,包括任何軟件或應用程序作為我們提供的服務的一部分。本許可的唯一目的是使您能夠按照本條款允許的方式使用我們提供的平台並從中受益。

6.3 如果您不遵守這些條款或我們不時施加的其他附加條款或條件,使用我們平台的許可將終止。

6.5 您不得複制、修改、分發、出售、出租、出借或交易對平台的任何訪問權限或平台上的任何數據或信息。

7. 您的權利


7.2 您對您對您的內容的使用及其任何後果負責,包括其他用戶或第三方使用您的內容的任何後果。對於您的內容的任何使用,以及其他用戶或訪問者提交或發布的任何內容或信息的使用,我們概不負責。

7.3 您保證您的內容不會也不會侵犯任何第三方的權利,並且您擁有所有必要的權利、權力和授權來履行您在這些條款下對您的內容的義務。

如果您認為您的知識產權受到侵犯,請發送電子郵件至 info@upwatch.com.hk 與我們聯繫。

8. 我們的權利

8.1 平台或我們提供的產品或服務中存在的所有知識產權均屬於我們或已被合法許可給我們。特此保留適用法律規定的所有權利。您不得以任何方式上傳、發布、發布、複製、傳輸或分發我們平台的任何內容或組件,或針對任何此類內容或組件創建任何衍生作品。

8.2 我們可以(自行決定但沒有義務)審查用戶在我們平台上提交或發布的內容或信息。我們保留刪除任何我們認為具有攻擊性、有害、欺騙性、歧視性、誹謗性或其他不當或誤導性的內容,或我們認為可能侵犯第三方權利的內容的權利。我們不認可或支持任何用戶在我們平台上表達的任何觀點。

8.3 我們的名稱“UpWatch”以及我們的標記和徽標是我們的商標(無論是註冊還是未註冊),未經我們事先明確書面同意不得使用。

9. 集成


10. 反饋

10.1 我們重視並歡迎對我們平台的反饋。您同意我們可以自由使用、披露、採用和/或修改您提供的與我們的平台或我們的任何產品或服務相關的任何反饋和任何信息(包括任何想法、概念、提議、建議或評論)報價,無需向您支付任何費用。

10.2 您特此放棄並同意放棄就與我們使用、披露、採用和/或修改您的任何反饋有關的任何費用、特許權使用費、收費或其他款項提出索賠的任何權利。

11. 責任限制

11.1 某些國家或司法管轄區可能不允許本條款中的免責聲明,在這種情況下,這些免責聲明將不適用於您。

11.2 在法律允許的最大範圍內,我們(包括我們的控股公司、子公司、附屬公司、董事、高級職員、員工、代理人、代表、合作夥伴和許可人(統稱為“我們的實體”))明確限制我們在以下方面的責任與平台的提供有關或由其引起的如下:

(a) 我們以“原樣”和“可用”為基礎提供平台和我們提供的任何產品或服務,您訪問或使用我們平台的風險由您自行承擔;

(b) 我們不對平台和我們提供的任何產品或服務作出任何形式的(無論是明示還是暗示)保證、陳述或保證;

(c) 我們不保證您在平台上找到的信息或內容始終準確、真實、完整和最新;

(d) 我們明確否認所有保證和陳述(例如,適銷性、適合特定用途和不侵權的保證);

(e) 我們不對我們平台的任何延遲或中斷或任何缺陷、病毒、錯誤或錯誤負責;和

(f) 我們不對平台任何用戶(無論在線還是離線)提交或發布的行為或任何內容或信息負責。

11.3 在法律允許的最大範圍內,我們的實體不對您或其他人承擔以下責任:

(a) 任何間接的、附帶的、特殊的、懲戒性的、後果性的或懲罰性的損害賠償;或者

(b) 任何數據、業務、機會、聲譽、利潤或收入的損失,

(c) 與使用我們的平台或我們提供的任何產品或服務有關。

11.4 如果這樣做是違法的,我們不會排除或限制我們對您的責任。這包括我們在操作平台或提供我們提供的產品或服務時對欺詐或欺詐性虛假陳述承擔的任何責任

11.5 如果您作為消費者使用平台,在某些國家或司法管轄區,您作為消費者可能享有某些合法權利。在這種情況下,這些條款中的任何內容都不會限制您作為消費者的合法權利,這些權利不能通過合同放棄。

11.6 除了我們無法依法限制的責任類型外,我們的實體對您的責任(總計)僅限於您為使用我們的平台或任何產品或服務向我們支付的金額(如果有)我們在過去十二 (12) 個月內提供。

12. 您的陳述

12.1 我們的平台不適合且不得由未成年人使用。通過使用我們的平台,您表示您是成年人並且您能夠合法地簽訂合同協議。

12.2 如果您代表某個實體使用平台,則通過使用平台,您表示您擁有必要的權利和權限代表以下實體同意這些條款(以及我們的隱私政策、可接受使用政策和此處提及的其他文件)那個實體。

13. 賠款

13.1 您同意賠償並使我們的實體免受所有責任、損害、索賠、成本(包括法律費用和成本)以及與 (i) 您違反這些條款,(ii) 您使用我們的平台和/或 (iii) 您所做的任何虛假陳述。

13.2 您還同意與我們充分合作,以抗辯或解決與我們的平台或這些條款有關或由我們的平台或這些條款引起的任何索賠。

14. 終止

14.1 這些條款將繼續適用,直到您或我們按以下方式終止為止。

14.2 您可以隨時通過停用您的帳戶來停止使用平台。

14.3 我們保留暫停或終止您訪問我們平台的權利,如果我們有理由相信:

(a) 您嚴重或屢次違反這些條款(包括長期未能結清任何款項);

(b) 您使用平台的方式會對我們、其他用戶或公眾造成真正的傷害或損失風險;

(c) 政府或監管機構要求我們這樣做,或者根據適用法律、法規或法律程序的要求,我們這樣做;或者

(e) 我們向您提供平台不再可能或在商業上不可行。


14.4 在您的訪問權終止後,這些條款也將終止,但第 11 至 19 條除外。

14.5 在我們認為必要或適當的情況下,我們將向執法機構報告任何違反這些條款(或可接受使用政策)的行為,並且我們將通過披露您的身份並在我們的系統內向他們提供有關您的任何信息來與此類機構合作。

15. 整個協議

15.1 這些條款構成任何用戶與我們之間關於使用平台或在平台上進行任何交易的完整協議。這些條款取代並廢除任何用戶與我們之間就平台的使用或任何交易達成的所有其他協議、承諾、保證、保證、陳述和諒解,無論是書面的還是口頭的。

15.2 您承認,對於這些條款中未規定的任何聲明、陳述、保證或保證(無論是無意或疏忽作出的),您將沒有任何補救措施。

16. 其他重要條款

16.1 我們可能會將這些條款下的權利和義務轉讓給其他組織。如果我們計劃這樣做,我們將與您聯繫並告知您。如果您不想繼續與受讓方簽訂合同,您可以在我們通知您擬議的轉讓後的一 (1) 個日曆月內聯繫我們終止合同,我們將退還您為任何預付的任何款項未提供的產品。

16.2 如果我們書面同意,您只能將您在這些條款下的權利或義務轉讓給其他人。

16.3 如果法院認定本合同的部分內容不合法,其餘部分將繼續有效。這些條款的每一段都單獨運作。如果任何法院或有關當局裁定其中任何條款不合法,則其餘條款仍將完全有效。

16.4 即使我們延遲執行此合同,我們仍然可以稍後執行。如果我們不立即堅持要求您根據這些條款做任何您需要做的事情,或者如果我們延遲對您違反本合同採取措施,這並不意味著您不必做這些事情,並且這不會阻止我們日後對您採取措施。例如,如果您錯過付款,而我們沒有追您,但我們繼續提供產品,我們仍然可以要求您稍後付款。

17. 接觸

如果您對這些條款或可接受的使用政策有任何疑問,請通過 info@upwatch.com.hk 聯繫我們。

18. 語言


19. 治理法律和管轄區

19.1 這些條款受香港特別行政區法律管轄並按其解釋。

19.2 香港特別行政區法院對解決因本條款引起或與本條款有關的任何爭議或索賠具有專屬管轄權。

    1. These terms of use govern your use and access to our services, including our website(s), our application(s), our application programming interfaces (APIs), our notifications and any information or content appearing therein (collectively our “Platform”).
    2. By using our Platform, you agree to these terms regardless of whether you are paying user or a non-paying visitor. If you are using our Platform as a representative of an entity, you are agreeing to these terms on behalf of that entity.
    3. You should also read our Privacy Policy which sets out how we collect and use your personal information.
    1. We are UpWatch Technologies Limited, a company registered in Hong Kong, trading as UpWatch. Our company registration number is 74288852-000-08-22-0 and our registered office is at Unit C, 12/F., Fu Cheung Centre, 5-7 Wong Chuk Yeung Street, Fotan, Hong Kong.
    2. For any questions or problems relating to our Platform, our products or services, or these terms, you can contact us by telephoning our customer service team at +852 5692 4186 or emailing us at info@upwatch.com.hk or writing to us at Unit C, 12/F., Fu Cheung Centre, 5-7 Wong Chuk Yeung Street, Fotan, Hong Kong.
    3. We are the data controller in relation to our Platform and are responsible for your personal data. Please refer to our Privacy Policy which is available at https://upwatch.com.hk/privacy-policy/ for information about what personal data we collect and what we do with it. It is important that you read our privacy policy, which may be updated from time to time, and understand how we use your information and the rights that you have about your information.
    4. If we have to contact you, we will do so by telephone or by writing to you at the email address or postal address you provided to us.
    5. When we use the words “writing” or “written” in these terms, this includes emails.


    1. We are constantly changing and improving our Platform and the products or services we provide. We may from time to time change or discontinue any of the products or services we offer, or add or remove functionalities or features, and we may suspend or stop certain products, services, functionalities or features altogether. If we discontinue certain products, services, functionalities or features, we will give you advance notice where reasonably possible.
    2. We may release products, services, functionalities or features that we are still testing and evaluating. We will label such services as “beta”, “preview”, “early access” or “trial” or any words or phrases with similar meanings. You understand that these beta services are not as reliable as other products or services we offer.
    3. We reserve the right to limit your use of our Platform and the services we provide, including the right to restrict, suspend or terminate your account if we believe you are in breach of these terms or are misusing our Platform or any services we provide.
    4. We try our best to ensure that our Platform is always available, but we do not guarantee that the operation of or access to our Platform will be uninterrupted or continuous. Our Platform may be interrupted for maintenance, repairs, upgrades, network or equipment failures.
    5. You are responsible for configuring your information technology, computer programmes and platform or system in order to access our Platform. We do not guarantee that our Platform will be free from bugs or viruses.
    1. In registering for an account on our Platform, you must provide truthful, accurate and up- to-date information about yourself. You should choose a strong and secure password. You must keep your password secure and confidential.
    2. You agree not to share your account credentials or give others access to your account. If and when we detect that an account is shared by multiple users, we may treat this as a security breach and suspend or terminate your account.
    3. We have the right to disable any password, whether chosen by you or allocated by us, at any time, if in our reasonable opinion you are in breach of these terms.
    4. You agree to follow our Acceptable Use Policy, which is set out at the end of these terms.
    5. You are responsible for all actions or activities that happens by, through or under your account, unless you report misuse.
    1. You must comply with the Acceptable Use Policy and all applicable laws and regulatory requirements, including privacy laws and intellectual property laws in using or accessing the Platform.
    2. Subject to your payment of applicable fees, we give you a personal, worldwide, royalty- free, non-assignable, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive and revocable licence to access and use our Platform, including any software or application as part of the services we offer. This licence is for the sole purpose of enabling you to use and enjoy the benefit of our Platform as provided by us and in the manner as permitted by these terms.
    3. This licence to use our Platform will terminate if you do not comply with these terms or other additional terms or conditions imposed by us from time to time.
    4. You must not copy, modify, distribute, sell, lease, loan or trade any access to the Platform or any data or information on it.
    1. You retain your rights to any information or content you submit, post or display on or through the Platform (“Your Content”). By submitting, posting or displaying such content, you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free licence (with the right to sublicense) to use, process, copy, reproduce, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such content in any and all media or through any distribution channels (now known or later developed), subject to the applicable provisions in our Privacy Policy.
    2. You are responsible for your use of Your Content and any consequences thereof, including any consequences of the use of Your Content by other users or third parties. We are not responsible or liable for any use of Your Content, nor the use of any content or information submitted or posted by other users or visitors.
    3. You warrant that Your Content is not and will not infringe rights of any third parties and that you have all the necessary rights, power and authority to satisfy your obligations with regard to Your Content under these terms.
    4. If you believe your intellectual property rights have been infringed, please contact us by emailing us at info@upwatch.com.hk.
    1. All intellectual property rights subsisting in the Platform or the products or services we provide belong to us or have been lawfully licensed to us. All rights under applicable laws are hereby reserved. You must not upload, post, publish, reproduce, transmit or distribute any content or component of our Platform in any way, or create any derivative works with respect to any such content or component.
    2. We may (at our discretion but are not obliged to) review content or information submitted or posted by users on our Platform. We reserve the right to remove any content which we consider as offensive, harmful, deceptive, discriminative, defamatory or otherwise inappropriate or misleading, or content that we believe may be infringing rights of third parties. We do not endorse or support any views expressed by any users on our Platform.
    3. Our name “UpWatch” and our marks and logos are our trade marks (be it registered or unregistered) and may not be used without our express prior written consent.


    1. We value and welcome feedback on our Platform. You agree that we are free to use, disclose, adopt and/or modify any feedback and any information (including any ideas, concepts, proposals, suggestions or comments) provided by you to use in connection with our Platform or any products or services we offer, without any payment to you.
    2. You hereby waive and agree to waive any rights to claim for any fees, royalties, charges or other payments in relation to our use, disclosure, adoption and/or modification of any of your feedback.

            11.1   Some countries or jurisdictions may not allow the disclaimers in this clause, in which case these disclaimers will not apply to you.

             11.2  To the fullest extent permitted by law, we (including our holding company(ies), subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, partners and licensors (collectively, “Our Entities”)) expressly limit our liabilities in connection with or arising out of the provision of the Platform as follows:

  • we provide the Platform and any products or services we offer on an “as is” and “as available” basis, and your access to or use of our Platform is at your own risk;
  • we give no assurance, representation or warranty of any kind (whether express or implied) about the Platform and any products or services we provide;
  • we do not guarantee that the information or content you find on the Platform is always accurate, truthful, complete and up-to-date;
  • we expressly disclaim all warranties and representations (for example, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement);
  • we are not responsible for any delay or disruption in our Platform or any defect, viruses, bugs or errors; and
  • we are not responsible for the conduct of or any content or information submitted or posted by any user of the Platform (whether online or offline).


11.3  To the fullest extent permitted by law, Our Entities are not liable to you or others for:

  • any indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, consequential or punitive damages; or
  • any loss of data, business, opportunities, reputation, profits or revenues,
  • relating to the use of our Platform or any products or services we offer.

11.4  We do not exclude or limit our liability to you where it would be illegal to do so. This includes any of our liability for fraud or making fraudulent misrepresentation in operating the Platform or providing the products or services we offer.

11.5  If you are using the Platform as a consumer, in some countries or jurisdictions you may have certain legal rights as a consumer. In such cases, nothing in these terms limit your legal rights as a consumer that may not be waived by contract.

11.6  Other than the types of liabilities that we cannot limit by law, the liabilities of Our Entities to you (on aggregate) are limited to the amount you have paid us (if any) for the use of our Platform or for any products or services we offer over the last twelve (12) months.

    • Our Platform is not intended for and may not be used by minors. By using our Platform, you represent that you are an adult and that you are able to legally enter into contractual agreements.
    • If you are using the Platform on behalf of an entity, by using the Platform you represent that you have the necessary rights and authority to agree to these terms (and our Privacy Policy, Acceptable Use Policy and other documents referred to herein) on behalf of that entity.
    • You agree to indemnify and hold Our Entities harmless from and against all liabilities, damages, claims, costs (including legal fees and costs), and expenses in connection with or arising from (i) your breach of these terms, (ii) your use of our Platform and/or (iii) any misrepresentation made by you.
    • You also agree to fully co-operate with us in the defence or settlement of any claim in relation to or arising out of our Platform or these terms.

      14.1  These terms will continue to apply until terminated by either you or us as follows.

      14.2  You may stop using the Platform any time by deactivating your account.

      14.3  We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to our Platform, if we reasonably believe:

  • you are in serious or repeated breach of these terms (including a prolonged failure to settle any payment);
  • you are using the Platform in a manner that would cause a real risk of harm or loss to us, other users, or the public;
  • we are requested to do so by government or regulatory authorities or as required under applicable laws, regulations or legal processes; or
  • our provision of the Platform to you is no longer possible or commercially viable.


  • Upon termination of your access, these terms will also terminate except for Clauses 11. to 19.
  • Where we consider necessary or appropriate, we will report any breach of these terms (or the Acceptable Use Policy) to law enforcement authorities and we will cooperate with such authorities by disclosing your identity and providing any information about you within our systems to them.
    • These terms constitute the entire agreement between any user and us in relation to the use of or any transactions on the Platform. These terms supersede and extinguish all other agreements, promises, assurances, warranties, representations and understandings between any user and us, whether written or oral, in relation to the use of or any transactions on the Platform.
    • You acknowledge that you will have no remedies in respect of any statement, representation, assurance or warranty (whether made innocently or negligently) that is not set out in these terms.
    • We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to another organisation. We will contact you to let you know if we plan to do this. If you do not wish to continue the contract with the transferee, you may contact us to end the contract within one (1) calendar month of us informing you of the proposed transfer and we will refund you any payments you have made in advance for any products not provided.
    • You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under these terms to another person if we agree to this in writing.
    • If a court finds part of this contract illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the paragraphs of these terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.
    • Even if we delay in enforcing this contract, we can still enforce it later. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking this contract, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date. For example, if you miss a payment and we do not chase you but we continue to provide the products, we can still require you to make the payment at a later date.

如果您對這些條款或可接受的使用政策有任何疑問,請通過 info@upwatch.com.hk 聯繫我們。



    • These terms are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
    • The courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these terms.
    • These terms of use govern your use and access to our services, including our website(s), our application(s), our application programming interfaces (APIs), our notifications and any information or content appearing therein (collectively our “Platform”).
    • By using our Platform, you agree to these terms regardless of whether you are paying user or a non-paying visitor. If you are using our Platform as a representative of an entity, you are agreeing to these terms on behalf of that entity.
    • You should also read our Privacy Policy which sets out how we collect and use your personal information.
    • We are UpWatch Technologies Limited, a company registered in Hong Kong, trading as UpWatch. Our company registration number is 74288852-000-08-22-0 and our registered office is at Unit C, 12/F., Fu Cheung Centre, 5-7 Wong Chuk Yeung Street, Fotan, Hong Kong.
    • For any questions or problems relating to our Platform, our products or services, or these terms, you can contact us by telephoning our customer service team at +852 5692 4186 or emailing us at info@upwatch.com.hk or writing to us at Unit C, 12/F., Fu Cheung Centre, 5-7 Wong Chuk Yeung Street, Fotan, Hong Kong.
    • We are the data controller in relation to our Platform and are responsible for your personal data. Please refer to our Privacy Policy which is available at https://upwatch.com.hk/privacy-policy/ for information about what personal data we collect and what we do with it. It is important that you read our privacy policy, which may be updated from time to time, and understand how we use your information and the rights that you have about your information.
    • If we have to contact you, we will do so by telephone or by writing to you at the email address or postal address you provided to us.
    • When we use the words “writing” or “written” in these terms, this includes emails.


    • We are constantly changing and improving our Platform and the products or services we provide. We may from time to time change or discontinue any of the products or services we offer, or add or remove functionalities or features, and we may suspend or stop certain products, services, functionalities or features altogether. If we discontinue certain products, services, functionalities or features, we will give you advance notice where reasonably possible.
    • We may release products, services, functionalities or features that we are still testing and evaluating. We will label such services as “beta”, “preview”, “early access” or “trial” or any words or phrases with similar meanings. You understand that these beta services are not as reliable as other products or services we offer.
    • We reserve the right to limit your use of our Platform and the services we provide, including the right to restrict, suspend or terminate your account if we believe you are in breach of these terms or are misusing our Platform or any services we provide.
    • We try our best to ensure that our Platform is always available, but we do not guarantee that the operation of or access to our Platform will be uninterrupted or continuous. Our Platform may be interrupted for maintenance, repairs, upgrades, network or equipment failures.
    • You are responsible for configuring your information technology, computer programmes and platform or system in order to access our Platform. We do not guarantee that our Platform will be free from bugs or viruses.
    • In registering for an account on our Platform, you must provide truthful, accurate and up- to-date information about yourself. You should choose a strong and secure password. You must keep your password secure and confidential.
    • You agree not to share your account credentials or give others access to your account. If and when we detect that an account is shared by multiple users, we may treat this as a security breach and suspend or terminate your account.
    • We have the right to disable any password, whether chosen by you or allocated by us, at any time, if in our reasonable opinion you are in breach of these terms.
    • You agree to follow our Acceptable Use Policy, which is set out at the end of these terms.
    • You are responsible for all actions or activities that happens by, through or under your account, unless you report misuse.
    • You must comply with the Acceptable Use Policy and all applicable laws and regulatory requirements, including privacy laws and intellectual property laws in using or accessing the Platform.
    • Subject to your payment of applicable fees, we give you a personal, worldwide, royalty- free, non-assignable, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive and revocable licence to access and use our Platform, including any software or application as part of the services we offer. This licence is for the sole purpose of enabling you to use and enjoy the benefit of our Platform as provided by us and in the manner as permitted by these terms.
    • This licence to use our Platform will terminate if you do not comply with these terms or other additional terms or conditions imposed by us from time to time.
    • You must not copy, modify, distribute, sell, lease, loan or trade any access to the Platform or any data or information on it.
    • You retain your rights to any information or content you submit, post or display on or through the Platform (“Your Content”). By submitting, posting or displaying such content, you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free licence (with the right to sublicense) to use, process, copy, reproduce, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such content in any and all media or through any distribution channels (now known or later developed), subject to the applicable provisions in our Privacy Policy.
    • You are responsible for your use of Your Content and any consequences thereof, including any consequences of the use of Your Content by other users or third parties. We are not responsible or liable for any use of Your Content, nor the use of any content or information submitted or posted by other users or visitors.
    • You warrant that Your Content is not and will not infringe rights of any third parties and that you have all the necessary rights, power and authority to satisfy your obligations with regard to Your Content under these terms.
    • If you believe your intellectual property rights have been infringed, please contact us by emailing us at info@upwatch.com.hk.
    • All intellectual property rights subsisting in the Platform or the products or services we provide belong to us or have been lawfully licensed to us. All rights under applicable laws are hereby reserved. You must not upload, post, publish, reproduce, transmit or distribute any content or component of our Platform in any way, or create any derivative works with respect to any such content or component.
    • We may (at our discretion but are not obliged to) review content or information submitted or posted by users on our Platform. We reserve the right to remove any content which we consider as offensive, harmful, deceptive, discriminative, defamatory or otherwise inappropriate or misleading, or content that we believe may be infringing rights of third parties. We do not endorse or support any views expressed by any users on our Platform.
    • Our name “UpWatch” and our marks and logos are our trade marks (be it registered or unregistered) and may not be used without our express prior written consent.


    • We value and welcome feedback on our Platform. You agree that we are free to use, disclose, adopt and/or modify any feedback and any information (including any ideas, concepts, proposals, suggestions or comments) provided by you to use in connection with our Platform or any products or services we offer, without any payment to you.
    • You hereby waive and agree to waive any rights to claim for any fees, royalties, charges or other payments in relation to our use, disclosure, adoption and/or modification of any of your feedback.
    • Some countries or jurisdictions may not allow the disclaimers in this clause, in which case these disclaimers will not apply to you.
    • To the fullest extent permitted by law, we (including our holding company(ies), subsidiaries, affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, partners and licensors (collectively, “Our Entities”)) expressly limit our liabilities in connection with or arising out of the provision of the Platform as follows:
  • we provide the Platform and any products or services we offer on an “as is” and “as available” basis, and your access to or use of our Platform is at your own risk;
  • we give no assurance, representation or warranty of any kind (whether express or implied) about the Platform and any products or services we provide;
  • we do not guarantee that the information or content you find on the Platform is always accurate, truthful, complete and up-to-date;
  • we expressly disclaim all warranties and representations (for example, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement);
  • we are not responsible for any delay or disruption in our Platform or any defect, viruses, bugs or errors; and
  • we are not responsible for the conduct of or any content or information submitted or posted by any user of the Platform (whether online or offline).
    • To the fullest extent permitted by law, Our Entities are not liable to you or others for:
  • any indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, consequential or punitive damages; or
  • any loss of data, business, opportunities, reputation, profits or revenues,
  • relating to the use of our Platform or any products or services we offer.
    • We do not exclude or limit our liability to you where it would be illegal to do so. This includes any of our liability for fraud or making fraudulent misrepresentation in operating the Platform or providing the products or services we offer.
    • If you are using the Platform as a consumer, in some countries or jurisdictions you may have certain legal rights as a consumer. In such cases, nothing in these terms limit your legal rights as a consumer that may not be waived by contract.
    • Other than the types of liabilities that we cannot limit by law, the liabilities of Our Entities to you (on aggregate) are limited to the amount you have paid us (if any) for the use of our Platform or for any products or services we offer over the last twelve (12) months.
    • Our Platform is not intended for and may not be used by minors. By using our Platform, you represent that you are an adult and that you are able to legally enter into contractual agreements.
    • If you are using the Platform on behalf of an entity, by using the Platform you represent that you have the necessary rights and authority to agree to these terms (and our Privacy Policy, Acceptable Use Policy and other documents referred to herein) on behalf of that entity.
    • You agree to indemnify and hold Our Entities harmless from and against all liabilities, damages, claims, costs (including legal fees and costs), and expenses in connection with or arising from (i) your breach of these terms, (ii) your use of our Platform and/or (iii) any misrepresentation made by you.
    • You also agree to fully co-operate with us in the defence or settlement of any claim in relation to or arising out of our Platform or these terms.
    • These terms will continue to apply until terminated by either you or us as follows.
    • You may stop using the Platform any time by deactivating your account.
    • We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to our Platform, if we reasonably believe:
  • you are in serious or repeated breach of these terms (including a prolonged failure to settle any payment);
  • you are using the Platform in a manner that would cause a real risk of harm or loss to us, other users, or the public;
  • we are requested to do so by government or regulatory authorities or as required under applicable laws, regulations or legal processes; or
  • our provision of the Platform to you is no longer possible or commercially viable.


  • Upon termination of your access, these terms will also terminate except for Clauses 11. to 19.
  • Where we consider necessary or appropriate, we will report any breach of these terms (or the Acceptable Use Policy) to law enforcement authorities and we will cooperate with such authorities by disclosing your identity and providing any information about you within our systems to them.
    • These terms constitute the entire agreement between any user and us in relation to the use of or any transactions on the Platform. These terms supersede and extinguish all other agreements, promises, assurances, warranties, representations and understandings between any user and us, whether written or oral, in relation to the use of or any transactions on the Platform.
    • You acknowledge that you will have no remedies in respect of any statement, representation, assurance or warranty (whether made innocently or negligently) that is not set out in these terms.
    • We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to another organisation. We will contact you to let you know if we plan to do this. If you do not wish to continue the contract with the transferee, you may contact us to end the contract within one (1) calendar month of us informing you of the proposed transfer and we will refund you any payments you have made in advance for any products not provided.
    • You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under these terms to another person if we agree to this in writing.
    • If a court finds part of this contract illegal, the rest will continue in force. Each of the paragraphs of these terms operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.
    • Even if we delay in enforcing this contract, we can still enforce it later. If we do not insist immediately that you do anything you are required to do under these terms, or if we delay in taking steps against you in respect of your breaking this contract, that will not mean that you do not have to do those things and it will not prevent us taking steps against you at a later date. For example, if you miss a payment and we do not chase you but we continue to provide the products, we can still require you to make the payment at a later date.

如果您對這些條款或可接受的使用政策有任何疑問,請通過 info@upwatch.com.hk 聯繫我們。



    • These terms are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
    • The courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these terms.